Deep inside, I despised myself. Most of the time I could hide these thoughts. I pushed them aside and filled my life with false gaiety.
Then I met a Man who told me all I did. Choosing him changed my life today – and it will change me forever.
The day was hot and the time to draw water was long past. Yet I chose the sixth hour of the day to make my way to the well.
I hurried through the streets, balancing my water pot carefully. Almost every woman I met turned away disdainfully, and the few that did not, reminded me so much of myself I avoided them.
Men’s reactions were equally predictable. I either received a total shunning or a suggestive leer.
Ignoring my guilty conscience, I went out of the city and to the well. I was dismayed to see a man seated there, but turning back now would be foolish. With decorum that was foreign to my nature and now only born of shame, I covered my face with my veil.
Habit was strong though, and I watched the stranger boldly out of the corners of my eyes. I noticed He was not particularly handsome, but there was something different about Him. It occurred to me that he was a man that did not recognize me, and therefore did not know my reputation. However, I then realized – in time to prevent behavior that I would have regretted - that he was a Jew.
I dropped my eyes and went slowly to the well, totally ignoring the Man. Traditionally, Samaritans and Jews, though our heritage was intertwined, despised each other. I had just brought up my water pot when the man spoke.
“Give me to drink.” (John 4:7b)
I turned involuntarily. “How is it that thou being a Jew askest drink of me, which am a woman of Samaria?” (John 4:9a)
The Man looked at me directly. “If thou knewest the gift of God and who it is that saith to thee, give me to drink: thou would have asked of him and he would have given thee living water.” (John 4:10)
I was puzzled and wondered if he was speaking in proverbs.
After a moment I said; “Sir, thou hast nothing to draw with and the well is deep. From whence then hast thou that living water?” (John 4:11b)
I realized that this was no ordinary man. “Art thou greater than our father Jacob which gave us this well, and drank thereof himself, and his children and his cattle?” (John 4:12)
The Man spoke. “Whosoever drinketh of this water that I shall give him shall never thirst again: but the water that I shall give him shall be in him a well of water springing up to everlasting life.” (John 4: 13-14)
I thought there must be a deeper message in his words. However, I hated the task of drawing water, so I said eagerly, “Sir, give me this water, that I thirst not neither come hither to draw.” (John 4:15)
An unreadable look passed over the man’s face and his answer was completely unexpected.
“Go call thy husband and come hither.” (John 4: 16)
I spoke quickly with a toss of my head. “I have no husband.” (John 4:17a)
The Man spoke decidedly with the slightest tone of sarcasm. “Thou hast well said thou hast no husband. For thou hast had five husbands and he whom thou now hast is not thy husband: in that thou saidst truly.” (John 4: 17-18)
I was too shocked to be angry. It was true…. Yet the man still sat calmly and talked to me! I was beginning to understand.
“Sir, I perceive that thou art a prophet. Our fathers worshipped in this mountain and ye say that in Jerusalem is the place where men ought to worship.” (John 4:19-20)
The Man looked at me and shook his head. “Woman, believe me, the hour cometh, when ye shall neither in this mountain, nor yet in Jerusalem, worship the Father. Ye worship what ye know not what: we know what we worship: for salvation is of the Jews. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him. God is a spirit, and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.” (John 4: 21-24)
I nodded. “I know that Messias cometh, which is called Christ, when he is come he will tell us all things.” (John 4: 25)
The Man’s next statement was not what I expected, but the power I felt when he spoke was undeniable.
“I that speak unto thee am he.”(John 4:26)
Involuntarily I stepped forward. He was the Christ?
Then to my extreme disappointment, a band of men appeared, obviously coming to join the man at the well. They looked at me and I was sure they must recognize my nationality, but they said nothing.
Slowly I filled my waterpot and hoisted it to my shoulder. The heat of the day was oppressive and I walked away with bent head. I had only taken a few steps when realization astonished me.
The man was the Christ! His motive for sharing was that I might believe! He knew my reputation – all I did – and yet he offered me the living water! I believed! I truly believed!
My heart was filled with joy and with reckless abandon, I left my waterpot and rushed to the city. The thought of how my news would be accepted was pushed aside.
Upon entering the city I immediately met a group of men with whom I was acquainted. They were not all honorable or upright men, but I knew that the Christ would also give them this living water, which sprang up in me.
“Come,” I beckoned excitedly. “See a man which told me all things that ever I did: is not this the Christ?” (John 4:29)
One man, Bar Jamin, questioned me. “The Christ? He was prophesied to be a Jew and he talketh with thee?”
“He told me all I did.” I repeated. “My past was as nothing to Him, for He required only belief and then this joy – this living water – was mine!”
By their faces, I knew their amazement. That a man – a Jew – and furthermore the Christ, should speak with me, astonished them. Yet they desired the change that was so evident in my demeanor. I urged them to come and as one they followed me; eager to see how the Christ who had changed me could change them.
He was still at the well when I returned. The men did not hesitate to ask of the living water and with gladness, each believed.
It no longer mattered that we were Samaritans and he was a Jew and we begged him to stay with us. For two days he taught in our city and many more received the gift of living water.
As for me, I was completely changed. All my former habits were forgotten as I embraced the new life Christ offered. Once a woman of ill-repute, now I am a follower of Christ. Once ashamed to speak, now I am unable to contain the joy that fills me. I speak of the Christ to all who will listen.
He loved me. All I did was known to him, yet he forgave me. This living water is mine and of it, I shall ever tell.
The end
John 4:41-42 “And many more believed because of his own word: and said unto the woman, Now we believe not because of thy saying: for we have heard him ourselves, and know that this is indeed the Christ the Saviour of the world.”
John 3:17 “For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
…..Jesus still offers new life to all who will accept Him as the Christ – the Saviour of the world.
Do not let your past make you hesitate.
Let Jesus change your future!
Well written!! What an incredible testimony of God's grace.