Hello girls and young ladies!
Since it is probable that I don't know most of you who will be reading this blog, I would like to take this first opportunity to share who I am and why I have a burden for young people.
To make it easy...
My name is Charity Mae Conrad and I am 21. I live in Nictaux, Nova Scotia, Canada. (This is a very small community that may not be on your map!) I love baking, bluegrass music, books, writing, journaling, farming, anything outside, western and vintage styles, and country living.
God used some special verses in 2018 to show me that he wanted me to reach out to my generation. This gave me a big desire to contribute to other teen's lives. Also, I teach a Sunday School class of 4-7 year olds and enjoy every crazy minute!
My family and I attend Amazing Grace Baptist Church in Bridgetown. It was there that I was saved when I was almost 8.
My parents taught me about God literally from the time I was born! When I was convicted during a Sunday morning service about my need for a personal relationship with Jesus, it was easy for me to give my heart and life to Him. God blessed my childhood and I had a wonderful family life, great homeschool community, and supportive church family. However, God knew what I needed to experience to make me completely dependent on Him as my ultimate Guide and Best Friend.
My first big struggle as a young teenager was something that many girls experience on different levels.From the time I was about 9-13, our church was very small. At that age I had many other friends from Christian families outside our own church. As I got older though, I started to realize that all saved people didn't hold to or live by the same convictions that our family did. Slowly my standards were separating me from the girls I knew, until it came to the point where I had very few like minded friends my own age - and none in my church.
For a few months I struggled a lot with this. I even told my mom that I thought that maybe if we compromised a few of our convictions, I could have more friends. My mom was wise and I don't remember her rebuking or lecturing me, she just told me to pray. I did, and I know she did too and God showed me that compromising was definitely not His will! As I prayed for a friend Isaiah 41: 10 became very special to me.
Isaiah 41:10 Fear thou not, for I am with thee, be not dismayed for I am thy God.I will strengthen thee, yea I will help thee, yea I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.
It didn't happen overnight. But now looking back I can see how completely and fully God answered each request.It has been about 7 years; but starting with a pen-pal I met at the campmeeting our church hosts, God gave me many amazing friends. Families started joining our church, and many of the teens I already knew got saved. From a tiny church of only our family, the pastor's family, and a few others we are now blessed with a large, growing body of believers, a close knit youth group, and a schedule full of church activities. As a lonely, discouraged thirteen year old I never imagined where I am now! The dreams I always had of Youth Camps, teen activities, and loyal friends have become my everyday life!
Psalm 126: 2-3 Then was our mouth filled with laughter, and our tongue with singing: then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them. The Lord hath done great things for us;whereof we are glad.
Honestly, I know that I appreciate these things more because I did not always have them. I would not trade either the good or bad experiences for anything. Even now I am still seeing prayers I prayed years ago being answered. That's the way God works! He is forever faithful!
1 John 5:14-15 And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask anything according to his will he heareth us: And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.
The second and the hardest thing that I have ever faced, happened when I was 16. This experience completely changed my relationship with God. It took me a few years to be comfortable speaking about it, but I believe that God wants me to share it with others.
The easiest way to say this is that one night I discovered I had a large mass growing where it shouldn't be. I was terrified. That was the first night to that point in my life that I remember hardly sleeping. I didn't want to think about the possibility that I might have a serious disease that would change my life. I definitely did not want to think about dying!
You can imagine the worries that were with me constantly....BUT SO WAS GOD!!!!
2 Timothy 1:7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
This verse is soooo special to me! In God's perfect love there is NO fear! Praise the Lord, after surgery and tests, we found out that my condition was not cancer and I could continue my life as a healthy young woman. I will never forget the trips to the hospital, the embarrassment of procedures, and the long hallway to the operating room. BUT I WILL NEVER FORGET THE PRESENCE OF GOD SO STRONG; GUIDING AND REASSURING ME WITH HOPE, PEACE, AND LOVE.
To anyone who has ever faced or is facing a similar struggle - God sees what you don't!! He is in your future!! Trust and don't fear!
I know this isn't much of a devotional; I do have plans to be more structured in the future! Lastly though, I would like to leave you with a few verses that I love, not just because they are God's Word, but because I have tried them and found them to be true!
Jeremiah 29: 11-13 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end. Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me and find me when ye shall search for me with all your heart.
Also, I wanted to share this inspiring quote by Dave Ubanks.
"Pray with faith, Act with courage, Never surrender!"
God is reaching out to you and He wants to be the biggest influence in your life! Take a step of faith and follow Him. IT'S SO WORTH IT!!!!
From me to you with all my love,